3-19 Class Macbeth Trailer & Stock Footage

Hey Class,​

One of the challenges we will face when filming our adaption of Macbeth is filming landscape scenes, castle scenes, battle scenes, etc. One way to get around this problem is to utilize stock footage from the internet. Here's an example of how to build a Macbeth trailer using such footage:

Now, we cannot just grab videos at random, recombine them, and post them online. That's plagiarism. What we need to do is create a works cited page of the sources we used. Remember, we use MLA style formating in our class.

​The first step is to document where you found the clips you used. I keep this simple and use a format like this:

The next step is to realize that several of these clips on YouTube  come from movies and are not  shot by the people who uploaded the clips. For example, take the last item on the list above "Lady Macbeth.mov" This is a scene from the Rupert Gold's version of Macbeth ​(2010)​and we need to cite the original film in our Works Cited page. 

Once we know where the clip comes from, we need to find information about that original source. In this case, it's relatively easy to find thanks to IMDB.com. Here's the link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1570337/

So, the entry for the Works Cited page would come from the IMDB link, but we would list at the very end the URL for the YouTube video. Here's what the entry would look like:​

Gold, Rupert, dir. "Macbeth." Great Performances. ​PBS, 2010. Film. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d_paIkhBr>​

​I hope that makes sense! We'll work on works cited pages towards the end of this project.​