SM66 history: We had a problem where a BI system kept freezing up randomly due to a cache issue. It took us a little while to figure out it was the HTTP cache in SMICM that needed to be rest, but creating a job to report the history of SM66 was very helpful in finding it out. The link takes you to an SAP blog post I used to set up the job, and now I find it a very helpful tool.
Certificates: A quick and easy way to check for expiring certificates is to execute the report SSF_ALERT_CERTEXPIRE from SE38.
SAP*: If you need this super user add the parameter “login/no_automatic_user_sapstar =0”. If the parameter exists, change it’s value to 0 from 1. If the parameter is active and you can’t login as SAP* you can always delete the user from the database and the password will be reset to the default. To delete the user in MS SQL execute the following command: “delete from <db>.<schema>.USR02 where MANDT = ‘<client#>’ and BNAME=’SAP*’”